This post isn't going to have any pictures in it. This is
more of reflections from me. I'll be back to posting pictures tomorrow
hopefully :)
One of my biggest flaws has to be self doubt. I am
constantly second guessing myself. Am I good enough? Is my work good enough?
Can I even do this? If I'm going to fail I usually quit. It's a horrible way to
go through life. I know quitting automatically means you fail. Logically I know
this but there's always that inner voice that says "You aren't good
enough. Don't bother."
That IV is very loud in my head. Its not just a whisper. A
lot of the time it's all I hear. Then I fell into photography. And I do mean
fell into it lol. Back story... I've owned a Cannon Rebel for probably 3 years
now. We used it to take pictures of the kids. Nothing more really. I never took
it off of auto. I never even put it into the program modes. EVER.
When our oldest started kindergarten I naturally brought my
camera to many of the activities at his school. Mainly because who doesn't love
taking pictures of their own kids lol. One of the moms at the school (who I was
pretty good friends with) came up to me one day and said "Hey I own a
dance studio and I was wondering if you'd come and take pictures at one of my
classes" I said "sure but you have to know that I know NOTHING about
photography. I own a nice camera and that is pretty much it" She said
"that's fine" So June 2011 I went and took pictures of her class. I
had a total blast doing it. My pictures weren't great but they weren't horrible
either for a first time thing.
She came up to me later and said "I was thinking of
doing a fundraiser for my studio. (it's in her garage) because it's coming into
summer and getting HOT, i need to get an air conditioner. What do you think of
doing boudoir pictures? We could charge $25 a session and I'd give you part of
it" I said "ok" What I was thinking was "What the hell am I
getting myself into?!" I know nothing about photography. I know nothing
about taking professional pictures. But I jumped, feet first with no parachute.
We did that first session and had 5 girls sign up. It was a total blast. The
pictures came out ok and the girls were really happy with them. In fact there
are actually a couple pictures that I really liked. It was so successful that
we scheduled 2 more days of fundraising shoots and then 3 more sessions at
"full" price ($50) I went out and bought studio lighting and
backdrops and props. I made paperwork and business cards (I LOVE paperwork. I
really am a geek at heart lol) This is what I was going to do!
I started to not be completely happy with my work. I didn't
know what I was doing. I was trying to do professional work with an amateur's
knowledge. But we still had girls who were signed up so I couldn't quit. I
posted an ad to Craigslist to try to get a couple of spots filled and I got a
response from a professional photographer. This is what it said
" The rules of photography and professionalism
haven’t changed with the coming of the digital age. If you don’t know as much
about photography as full-time photographers do, and you are taking people’s
money, you are ripping them off. There are no shortcuts. There are no passes.
You must learn first, and then hang your shingle. Paying clients are not the
training grounds for new photographers full of passion but little or no
photography skill.
Many young photographers think that digital cameras and
photoshop have reduced the learning curve to becoming a professional. Actually,
for many, these tools have provided an unsustainable crutch.
And then there is the business end of things. When you
charge next to nothing for your work all it dose is hurt the profession. It’s
called bastardizing the market. Until you have the skills and knowledge of a
professional photographer you shouldn’t charge for what you are doing."
I was pretty heartbroken. He basically told me I sucked.
This is what I suspected all along but here it was in black and white. Part of
me wanted to throw in the towel and say "screw it, I'm done" but for
some reason I chose not to. I wanted to push forward and prove to
this anonymous comment (who didn't have the balls to even leave his name.
Although I know who he is. I was able to figure it out through his email
address and FB page.) I started taking a photography class at our local
college. I saw some of the other people's work and thought again "crap
what am I doing here?! I suck compared to them!!" But I stuck with it. For
some strange reason photography is the only thing I haven't really considered
quitting since I started. Yes there have been moments where I want to give up.
But I also want to learn to be better. I want my work to be impressive. I want
my stuff to be pictures that people want to hang on their walls.
I just found out recently that my professor is actually impressed with my work and thinks I have some talent as well which really boosted my spirits. I look at my work today and compare it to work I did when I first started and I can definitely see an improvement. I can't wait to see where my work is in another 6 months. I am trying really hard to not compare myself to other photographers especially those who have more experience under their belt. I am trying to only compare my work to my past work and as long as I continue to see improvement I am happy.
I still have a long way to go before I love my work but I
can tell you now that I do have a couple pictures that I am going to frame and
hang in MY house. lol

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