I apologize in advance of the sheer number of pictures you are going to be bombarded with in the next couple posts. I've been practicing.
For Christmas last year I found a groupon coupon for roughly 75% off Irwindale Speedways Race School http://www.laracingx.com/ for Hubby. He got to go around the track 20 times. I think he had a blast. While he was in the class I got to walk around and take pictures of all the derby cars and some of the equipment. It was so much fun. I think Hubby wants to go again! LOL
I'm still working on getting panning down but at 120 miles per hour this probably isn't the best place to expect it to be perfect.
These are the derby cars. They were completely beat up. They all had so much character I loved to shoot them.
How cute is this little guy?! He was just someone's creation on top of one of the cars.
All the gear
Hubby is so excited
They have to tape the radio ear buds into your ears
All ready to go
Hubby with his truck
Final Instructions.
One more shot and he's ready to go
And he's off!
There were a total of 4 cars on the track.

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